How To Build a Professional Quote

1. Add a quick cost or view & select items from your Estimate Price List.

2. Drag & Drop  -Attached PDF quotes or Excell or Word.

3. URL Links i.e supplier website & Google doc's spreadsheets.

4. Preview & Edit Details on your client quote.

5. Issue or Approved - Clicking on these buttons will create & save a PDF &

Excel copy to your PROJECT STATUS.  

    This will also link the quote to your financial summary page. 

6. Project Status Drop down - Edit start date & add general comments - these

comments will be added to your financial report.

7. Quote Register - This will keep a register the date of when quotes are received.

8. Sort By:   + Most Recent at Top

+ Selected Only 

+ Selected & Approved Only 

+ Approved Only 

+ A - Z

Note: To change the order of your quotes select "Sorting by: Selected Only" then

you can move quotes up & down on the page.    This will be the order that is

shown on your quote to the client.

9. Create a PDF or Excell of your quote.

Sort by: Selected Only if you want this to export information in the

same order as your quote.

10. Edit - Click Heading to Edit cost or Text.  This text will be shown on your quote. 

11. "More  or Less" button will Hide or Unhid Information. 

12. + Click here to open Attachments or URL link.

+ view who uploaded the quote.

+ Date quoted was received.

13. Add Notes - Only you can view these comments.  

14. QTY - change QTY & click enter.

15. Edit "Markup" Dollar amount & click update. 

16. Approve Button - Approve & email contractor & your Accounts team. 

SITE BOX will issue a unique reference number & keep record of the approval


Go to top of the page (items 8) - Sort By : Approved Quotes.

To see a summary of all the approved quotes.

17. Information - Click on this icon to view who recived the approved email.  

18. "More  or Less" button will Hide or Unhide sub quotes.

19. Click this Icon to create new or add existing Sub Quote.

20. Mark-Up - This will calculate a Markup % to all your project costs.

21. Client Quote Details - Edit the client quotes, hide line items & costs, 

click on the "Add Client Details Here…" button & Tick or Untick boxes. 

Note "Sub" quote can only be hidden or noted as "Included" as all the

sub quotes are in the total of the "Primary" quote.

22. Menu Bar - This will give you a drop down box to change between pages.