7. Contacts .png


1. CONTACTS PAGE - Only the Project Manager has access/view to this page.  Contractors can NOT see who you have added to a project.   This is like BBC everyone on an email allowing you to give everyone the same information at the same time to ensure all your contractors are quoted using the most current documentation & Photos. 

2. PROJECT CONTACT - This is a list of contact that has viewed your project 

3. INVITED - This is a list of people who you have added to your project but have not opened Site-Box and therefore not viewed your project. 

4. ADD NEW CONTACTS - You can add a contact on your Computer or on the Site-Box app.

5. ADD CONTACT USING "MY CONTACTS" - These contact that you are using on other projects. To add a contact simply tick the box on the right-hand side (item 11) and then click on ADD (item 12).

6. ADD CONTACT USING "Sitebox" - Find people who already have a site box account. To add a contact simply tick the box on the right-hand side (item 11) and then click on ADD (item 12).

7. ADD CONTACT - By Email - This will send an invite by email to link to your project.

9. SEARCH - Search for contacts

10. Contact Name.  If the person has not added there name their email will be displayed. 

11. TICK BOX - Tick the box when you want to add a contact.

12. ADD - After you tick a box click on the Add button.  This will send an email inviting that contact to your project. 



1. Contact details 

2. CONTACT FOLDER - Click here to view contact details. 

3. PROJECT CONTACT - This is a list of people who have opened & viewed your project information. 

4. RESTRICTED ACCESS USER - all new contact will default to "Restricted access user” view "CONTACT ACCESS " table for full details on what this person can view, add or edit.

5. ADMIN-EDIT  - View "CONTACT ACCESS " table for full details on what this person can view, add or edit.

6. ADMIN - VIEW ONLY  - View "CONTACT ACCESS " table for full details on what this person can view, add or edit.